Sunshine Guidelines
- The Club Board of Directors will appoint a Sunshine Person who is responsible for coordinating, administering, and reporting Sunshine activities.
- The BOD will approve an annual budget for the administration of Sunshine activities. The Sunshine Person will purchase needed materials out-of-pocket and submit the Billiards Request Form and receipts to the Club Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Sunshine activities are intended to be a source of cheer and happiness among Club members.
- Member Illness: The Sunshine Person will mail an appropriate “get well” card on behalf of the Club to any current member who may be experiencing a prolonged or serious illness or has an extended hospitalization. Only one card may be sent per illness.
- The Sunshine Person won’t be aware of all member illnesses; therefore, a Group Leader or current member must request the Sunshine Person to send a card on behalf of the Club. The requesting member must notify the Sunshine Person and is responsible for providing the mailing address for the card.
- Senior Member Birthday: The Club will recognize current members who have reached their 90th, 95th, or 100th + birthday. The Sunshine Person will prepare a stamped envelope and card to the Group Leader for their group members to sign. The Group Leader will be responsible for mailing the card. If the Group Leader, with the approval of the senior birthday member, desires to organize a birthday gathering, they may purchase a birthday cake for the event. The receipt for the cake must be approved by the Sunshine Person and forwarded to the Treasurer for reimbursement.