


Lincoln Hills Billiards Group (LHBG)  


The LHBG is a social organization focusing on having fun while playing Billiards, developing pool skills, running tournaments and providing social interaction for residents of Lincoln Hills.


All residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills Community association “SCLHCA” who are in good standing are eligible to join the LHBG.

The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31 of each year.

A “Member” is a Lincoln Hills resident who is in good standing.

Each member of the LHBG shall abide by the following conditions:

  1. Pay his or her annual dues, fees, and special event charges when due.
  2. Abide by all rules and best practices listed in “Rules for the use of the Billiards Room.”
  3. Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and as defined by the Association Rules and Regulations Code of Conduct and Discipline of members while engaging in LHBG sponsored activities.
  4. If the member fails to meet these conditions then their LHBG membership may be revoked.


LHBG shall be administered by a BOD elected from among the general membership.  The BOD shall be made up of at least four (4) members and not more than ten (10) members.  Elected members of the BOD shall serve a two (2) year term. A member may serve only two (2) consecutive terms and may not be re-elected to the BOD for at least one year. Terms of BOD members shall be staggered so that at least 30% of the members’ terms expire each December 31.

Elections to the BOD shall be held annually. During September, a nominating committee consisting of at least two (2) but no more than four (4) members shall be appointed by the BOD for the purpose of nominating candidates.  A maximum of one (1) BOD members may be appointed to the nominating committee. If any BOD members are appointed to the nominating committee, then at least three (3) members of the nominating committee must be appointed from the general membership. A member of the nominating committee shall not be eligible for candidacy as a member of the BOD.

The nominating committee for each group shall nominate at least one (1) candidate per opening on the BOD. The nominating committee shall also nominate at least one (1) candidate for each Billiard Subgroup as a Group Leader. Each Group Leader will have one vote and all Group Leaders can only represent one group however their second or alternate can cast a vote in their absence. The Officer positions shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and such other Officer positions as deemed necessary by the BOD.  Officers must be members of the BOD.  The slate of candidates will be communicated to the general membership by the fifteenth day of October. Members may make at-large nominations for any of the open positions by submitting a document designating the candidate(s) and stating the position(s) for which the candidate is nominated.  At least 20 members must sign the at-large nominating document, and the document must be submitted to the Secretary not later than November 1.  Election of candidates will be conducted between November 10 and December 1, with the election results announced prior to the December General Meeting. 


The members of the LHBG BOD and the Officers shall be installed at the December general meeting.

Section 1 – President President shall:

Be the chief executive officer of the Club

Have general supervision and direction of the affairs of the Club, subject to the control of the BOD

Preside at all meetings of the members and the BOD

Work with or designate others to work with designated SCLHCA employee with regard to reserving rooms, tournament times, operations and maintenance of billiards equipment.

Section 2 – Vice President Vice President shall:

Perform all of the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. 

 Section 3 – Secretary The Secretary shall:

Prepare and keep minutes of all meetings of the BOD and members

Update the Bylaws as set forth in Article 13 and maintain a set of the operative, updated Bylaws.

Section 4 – Treasurer The Treasurer shall:

Maintain accurate records of all financial affairs of the Club for a period of seven (7) years prior to the current year

Render a summary financial report at BOD and membership meetings ·Issue a written report at least quarterly of account(s) balance(s) which includes changes from the last quarterly report

Fill out and submit the SCLH Association semi-annual report

Establish/manage a checking account and any other required bank accounts Ensure Club has a minimum of two club officers’ signatories on file with the bank and updates the signatories as officers change. Keep a list of names and the email address of all LHBG members. The information will be obtained from each of the Subgroup Leaders.

 Section 5 – Board of Directors

The members of the BOD shall be responsible for significant functions of the Club. 

These functions shall include but not be limited to:

Maintain membership rolls and provide for the collection of dues. Establish procedures for the conduct of the election of members of the BOD as set forth in Article 4.

Consider the comments and viewpoints of members before voting on matters being considered by the BOD.

Maintain liaison with the SCLH Community Association.

Provide publicity and outreach activities to attract new members

Maintain rules of play as established by the APA Tournament Rules of Play. Organize periodic social activities for the membership.

Ensure adherence to any published requirements of the SCLH Community Association.

Establish committees and subgroups as needed for the operation of the LHBG Fill vacancies on committees and subgroups as appropriate.

Appoint members to serve in capacities that the BOD believes will be beneficial to the operations of the Club.

Provide routine communication with the membership on items of interest. Develop and promulgate Rules of Conduct and other appropriate regulations for members.

Take action as needed to enforce the Rules of Conduct and Regulations 

of the LHBG in accordance with the club bylaws. If not covered by the bylaws then the Sun City Lincoln Hills Community Association (SCLHCA) Club Information and Guidelines Handbook will be used as a guide.  


Vacancies on the BOD shall be filled by appointment by the BOD.  Vacancies occurring on the BOD do not have to be filled if the BOD membership is between the minimum and maximum number of members.  

Members of the BOD who wish to resign their position are expected to submit a written thirty (30) day notice of intent to resign to the Secretary or President of the BOD.  This requested time period will allow for a smooth transition of member duties and responsibilities.


Annual dues for the upcoming year shall be determined by the BOD prior to the annual membership meeting. Any change in the annual dues requires a membership vote defined in Article 8.  Dues for incumbent members shall be collected beginning January 1 of each year for the entire year, and dues will be in arrears thirty (30) days after that date.  Members in arrears shall be dropped from the club membership.  Dues will not be refunded for any reason.  Dues paid in the months of October, November or December will be counted current for the following year. 


A quorum shall be fifty (50) percent of the board members at any duly called BOD meeting. A quorum shall be ten (10) percent of the total membership in good standing at any duly called general or special membership meeting.  A quorum shall be required to either pass or to defeat any item called for a vote. A voted on item shall be passed or defeated by a simple majority of those voting.


The approved method of providing Meeting Notices and other information to Club members or to the BOD members shall be by e-mail to their last known e-mail address or by phone if a member makes a written request to the Secretary for notice by phone.  All such notices shall be posted in the OC and Kilaga billiards rooms. When necessary other methods of communication will be used when approved by the BOD.

It is the member’s responsibility to notify Club Secretary of any changes to contact information.


The BOD shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the Club but it must meet at least four (4) times per year.  Meetings of the BOD are open for attendance by the general membership except when the BOD is addressing the enforcement of the Club’s rules or regulations in specific situations involving a member.

At least two general membership meetings shall be held each year.  One of those meetings will take place in December as set forth in Article 4.  Dates for other general membership meetings shall be established by the Board of Directors.  Special meetings of the members may be called and held as directed by the Board of Directors or by members holding not less than ten (10) percent of the voting power of the membership.  Notice of membership meetings shall be communicated to the members not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.


The BOD shall implement the following policies to protect the privacy of the members. 

Lists of members with information about the members (e.g. addresses, e-mail address,  phone numbers, etc. if provided by the member) is the property of the  LHBG.

This information is to be made available to all LHBG members. 

E-mails to members shall be sent using the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) feature. Only members designated by the BOD shall have the authority to send e-mails to the general membership.

Membership addresses and/or e-mail addresses will be used to relay Billiards Club-related events and will not be used by any person for commercial or political purposes, or to promote any personal causes not related to the business of the LHBG.

On occasion, the SCLH Community Association may request the distribution of an email pertaining to overall Association or Club business and the BOD may exercise their discretion to forward the email as requested by SCLHCA to the LHBG membership. 


If the Club disbands, all Club assets (monies and equipment) shall be transferred to the SCLH Community Association, after reasonable attempts to return to members have been made.  If the Club charter is revoked, and the group remains intact as a non-chartered club, all assets purchased for, or in behalf of the Club will be transferred to the Association.  In all situations, club-incurred debts must be satisfied by the Club prior to final dissolution. The Lifestyle Director will assist clubs in all efforts relating to dissolution.


Revisions to these Bylaws shall be voted upon and approved by the BOD.  Any such revisions must be presented to and approved by a vote of the members at a general membership meeting.   The Secretary shall have the responsibility to update the Bylaws if a revision is approved.  The President shall have the responsibility to submit the revised Bylaws to SCLH Community Association Board of Directors.  Revisions to the Bylaws shall not be effective until the revisions are approved by the SCLH Community Association.


  1. The BOD will appoint a Group Leader (selected by the Subgroup members) for each of the subgroups.
  2. Each tournament subgroup will use the American Pool Players Association Tournament rules as a guide. Each subgroup can modify the APA rules as long as the changes are made part of the subgroups procedures.
  3. Each Tournament Subgroup must submit its game rules if they are different from the APA rules to the LHBG BOD for review and approval. 
  4. Each Tournament Subgroup will keep an updated subgroup membership list.